UA Remote Identification
Effective 1 December 2025, unmanned aircraft (UA) with a total weight of more than 250g are required to be equipped with Broadcast Remote Identification (B-RID) when operating outdoors, except where the operator has been granted an Operator Permit and is using the FlyItSafe mobile application during the permitted UA operations.
Described as a “digital licence plate” for UA, B-RID leverages Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology to transmit information such as the UA’s position and serial number, the location of the UA operator, and the identification reference number of the operator. This allows UA in the skies to be identified for safety and security purposes.
Meeting B-RID Technical Standards and Requirements
A UA is considered equipped with B-RID when it has either built-in B-RID capability, or a B-RID module attached to it. Please refer to the list of UA models that meet the B-RID technical standards and requirements in Singapore.
Ensuring B-RID Functionality
Prior to operating the UA, operators should verify that the B-RID functionality of their UA is transmitting B-RID information, including the CAAS assigned UA Operator ID, when airborne. In the event of any B-RID functionality failure, the UA must cease flight and land immediately.