Application for Design Organisation Approval

To engage in the design of modification and repair of a Singapore registered aircraft, your organisation will need to fulfil certain requirements such as the right organisational structure, procedures, competencies and resources. If all requirements are fulfilled, CAAS may grant a Design Organisation Approval (DOA) to your organisation. Overseas organisations, engaging in design activities in support of Singapore aviation industry, may also apply.

Organisations applying for Supplemental Type Certificates, Singapore Technical Standard Orders and Repair Design Approvals should first hold a DOA.

The specific requirements for a DOA can be found in Singapore Airworthiness Requirements (SAR) Part 21, Subpart H and Subsection VI.

design organisation approval application process

Note: All costs incurred for the application evaluation will be recovered from the applicant. The application fees are prescribed in the Singapore Airworthiness Requirements (SAR) Part 21 and Twelfth Schedule of the Singapore Air Navigation Order (ANO).

To apply, please contact us. We will assign an officer to guide you through the application process.


Go to eSOMS for the application/renewal/variation of Design Organisation Approval.

In the event eSOMS is not available, please contact us and complete the following:
1) Application form CAAS(AW)21B - SAR-21 Approval of Organisation
2) Personnel Resume Form CAAS(AW)22 for accountable manager, quality assurance managers and design signatories
3) Nomination form CAAS(AW)102A for application for design signatory/certifying staff.

View the list of SAR21 Approved Design Organisations (XLSX, 22 KB) which is updated on a monthly basis.

View the list of surrendered / suspended / revoked Design Organisations (PDF, 61 KB) which is updated on a monthly basis.