Display of Lights or Pyrotechnics

Display of lights, including lasers or any other high-intensity lights, and discharge of pyrotechnics and fireworks may cause glare or distraction to pilots and be hazardous to aircraft operations. To ensure the safety of air navigation, such light display is generally not permitted in the vicinity of an aerodrome.

If you are planning for an activity involving the above-mentioned, you will need a permit from CAAS.

To apply for a permit, please complete and submit this online form to CAAS at least 7 working days prior to the date of the activity. Applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. It will take 7 working days to process the application, as we need to coordinate with other agencies, including Republic of Singapore Air Force.

For discharge of pyrotechnics and fireworks, please also obtain the necessary clearances from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) via GoBusiness and factor in the processing time needed.

Important Note: When conducting any light display, kindly take all necessary measures to ensure it will not pose a hazard to air navigation.

For more queries, please contact CAAS at:

Email: CAAS_ATS_ANSP@caas.gov.sg
Tel: (65) 6595 4088

If you have a query for RSAF, please contact:
Tel: (65) 6768 3706
Fax: (65) 6760 5521