Establishment Of Temporary Restricted Area During 2019 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix
During the 2019 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) will be establishing a temporary Restricted Area over parts of Singapore on the following days in September to facilitate helicopter flights conducting aerial filming:
Date |
Time |
19 September 2019 (Thursday) |
1430hrs to 2230hrs |
20 September 2019 (Friday) |
1530hrs to 2300hrs |
21 to 22 September 2019 (Saturday to Sunday) |
1500hrs to 0000hrs |
22 to 23 September 2019 (Sunday to Monday) |
1500hrs to 0030hrs |
2 The temporary Restricted Area (as shown in Annex A) will extend from ground level to 4,000 feet above mean sea level. The establishment of the temporary Restricted Area is to ensure the safety of aircraft and the public. During the stated dates and times, aerial activities such as flying of drones and other unmanned aircraft, release of flight lanterns, kite-flying and hoisting of captive balloons are prohibited within the temporary Restricted Area unless authorised by CAAS.
3 The unauthorised conduct of aerial activities within a temporary Restricted Area is an offence under the Air Navigation Order. Members of the public are reminded that the authorities take a serious view of errant operations of aerial activities which may pose threats to aviation or endanger the personal safety of others, and will not hesitate to take enforcement action against those who contravene the regulations. If convicted, a person can be fined up to S$20,000 in the first instance and fined up to S$40,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 15 months in subsequent instances.
4 Information on the temporary Restricted Area to be established during the 2019 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix is also available on and
About the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
The mission of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) is to “Grow a safe, vibrant air hub and civil aviation system, making a key contribution to Singapore's success”. CAAS' roles are to oversee and promote safety in the aviation industry, develop the air hub and aviation industry, provide air navigation services, develop Singapore as a centre for aviation knowledge and training, and contribute to the development of international aviation.
For media queries, please contact:
Ms Nur Diana Jamaludin
Senior Manager (Corporate Communications)
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
DID: +65 6541 2085
Annex A
Map of Temporary Restricted Area During
2019 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix
The temporary Restricted Area covers the area that a helicopter will be operating in as well as safety buffers around it.